Features - Inspection Dashboard

Inspection Dashboard

Inspectivity provides “out of the box” integration with business intelligence suites. Combined with machine learning (ML) you can gain deeper insights from your data. Discover hidden trends and outliers, identify key business drivers, and perform powerful what-if analysis with no technical expertise or ML experience needed.

Inspectivity’s built-in inspection dashboards provide live visibility of work completed, critical issues and the overall inspection value chain.

Track, analyse and predict better with Inspectivity Platform’s real-time asset, inspection and issues registers.  Easily access common queries, add columns for the data you want to see.  Export to CSV and much more.

Inspectivity’s media register brings to life photos, video and sound files captured during field inspections.  The platform’s powerful asset-centric focus means multi-media assets are automatically catalogued, highly searchable and accessible to your team.

Transitioning to cloud based

inspection is simple