Quality Policy

Policy Statement

Inspectivity is dedicated to the provision of high-quality SaaS inspection solutions to organisations. Our services and solutions meet or exceed clients’ expectations, are delivered efficiently and in a timely manner. We are committed to the ongoing development of features and services to meet the ever-changing and growing needs of our stakeholders.

This is achieved through:

  • Ensuring that our policies and procedure reflect what we actually do;
  • Consideration of context of the organisation and aligning the quality aspect of the Quality and Information Security Management System Manual (QISMS) with the strategic direction of Inspectivity;
  • Satisfying customer and applicable statutory/regulatory and contractual requirements;
  • Establishing, applying, maintaining and continual improvement of the effectiveness of the QISMS based on ISO 9001:2015 standard;
  • Regular communication with our client base to determine requirements and make decisions regarding software direction;
  • Careful selection of suppliers;

Strategies will include:

  • We set measurable, realistic and achievable quality objectives which are reviewed at least annually. Our target outcome and objectives are agreed upon collectively. We ensure objectives are accompanied by plans to achieve them and all relevant staff are aware of assignments, as applicable;
  • Monitoring and managing non-conformances, corrective actions and improvement opportunities. Reports are produced and reviewed in the quarterly Improvement Meetings and further actions taken as necessary;
  • Continual refinement of the development and feature release process;
  • Ensure the entire QISMS is reviewed at least annually for continuing suitability and effectiveness;

The QISMS of Inspectivity is based on the concepts of the continuous improvement process of Plan, Do, Check Act and conforms totally to the requirements as defined in ISO 9001:2015.

This policy and associated procedures will be reviewed in consultation with relevant parties every twelve (12) months prior to our internal QISMS audit and more frequently, as deemed necessary.